Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance"
~William Shakespeare
Honesty Is Still The Best Policy
Once a general manager wanted to test his people, who had come from all over India, about their values of life. He announced that in their seminar folder, there was a PVC pouch and in it a seed. When they return, they must put the seed in a pot with good soil and look after it very well. He would hold a competition at the next year's seminar and that the best plants would be awarded suitably.
Everyone did what was told to him. A year passed quickly. And next year in a big hall, a great scene! There were hundreds of pots and a great variety of plants - all except one. In this one pot was soil, but no plant! The owner of the pot was standing quietly and seemingly ashamed of himself.
The general manager called him on the stage. He asked him what happened and he told him the truth. He planted the seed, which he was given, and did what was to be done - but nothing happened.
The general manager declared him the winner!
Everyone was shocked.
It was announced, "Gentlemen! The seeds I gave you were boiled seeds. You planted them and nothing happened! You acted smartly and used some other seeds. This man was honest to his work and therefore, he did not cheat me or himself!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey here's a nice Article..

Nearly everyone agrees, Honesty is the best policy. Yet, when push comes to shove, many people tell a little white lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings, or facing oneself.
No matter how insignificant you might think a 'little white lie' (dishonesty) has on the relationship, the energy of a 'little white lie' looms between you and the other person. You might argue that 'little white lies' (untruths) are harmless. However, they are like small cracks that weaken the overall structure in the long term. Even giving someone a false compliment or ostensibly protecting someone can create problems later when the alternate reality you created becomes the basis for further interactions. Even though all future actions may be honest, the underlying unstable foundation of a 'little white lie,' (dishonesty) will threaten to derail an otherwise good relationship. This then leads to further energy being spent on keeping things hidden, working to remember the 'little white lies' you have told and fearing the consequences of being found out. Your relationships then becomes a tiring and draining experience......