Thursday, April 23, 2009

An old car or a dream house, a small gift or a costlier present, a small failure or biggest achievement, a little sweet dream or big disappointment, an idea or a precious plan, a respect toward parents or enmity against someone, a funny joke in a critical situation or unexpected success in a little effort , a race for deadly dream or cheating just for winning a small game , to make someone happy or try to tease others, a rupee coin that you add to your account or huge amount of money that you spend, a lovely smile or staring eyes, an unwanted situation or an unending-happiness, a friend or a big family. Nothing is more or less important in life. Pay the same respect to all and balance everything in your life, as all of them make life meaningful and memorable.



A professor stood before his Philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes." The professor then produced two cups of tea from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand.
The students laughed. "Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.”The golf balls are the important things - your God, family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. "The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car.”The sand is everything else--the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.”
The same goes for life. "If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.”Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. "Take time to get medical checkups.”Take your partner out to dinner. "There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.”Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. "Set your priorities.”The rest is just sand."
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the tea represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked.”It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a cup of tea with your loving one"
~ A forward from LUCKY






Saturday, April 18, 2009

Of course! You have THOUSANDS OF CHANCES to show your love and care, though the time differentiates the value of feelings and add the variety of shades and colors in love; here nothing is like first or second chance. So do not miss ANY CHANCE.


Do you really need second chance?

It’s another morning…। Again I have to go to office। Ohh, this is me… I shouted having a glance on my snap in today’s news paper। But what the HELL it is doing in the death column?? Strange… One sec... Let me think, last night when I was going to bed I had a severe pain in my chest, but I don’t remember anything after that, I think I had a sound sleep.

Its morning now, ohh…॥ It’s already 10:00 AM, where is my coffee? I will be late for office and my boss will get a chance to irritate me. Where is everyone…??? I screamed. “I think there is a crowed outside my room, let me check.” I said to myself. So many people…॥ Not all of them crying…But why some of them crying… WHAT IS THIS??? I m laying there on the floor… “I AM HERE” … I shouted!!! No one listen. “LOOK I AM NOT DEAD” … I screamed once again!!! No one is interested in me. They all were looking me on the bed.

I went back to my bed room. “Am I dead??” I asked myself. Where is my wife, my children, my mom-DAD, my friends? I found them in the next room, all of them were crying… still trying to console each other. My wife was crying… she was really looking sad. My little kid was not sure what happened, but he was crying just coz his mom was sad॥

  • How can I go without saying my kid that I really love him, I really do care of him. ??
  • How can I go without saying my wife that she is really most beautiful and most caring wife in this world..??
  • How can I go without saying my parents that I m … just because of u ??
  • How can I go without telling my friends that without them perhaps I have done most of the wrong things in my life…

Thanks for being there always when I need them… and sorry for not being there when they really need me.. I can see a person standing in the corner and trying to hide his tears… Ohh… he was once my best friend, but a small misunderstanding made us part, and we both have strong enough ego to keep us disconnect.

I went there.. And offered him my hand, “Dear friend… I just want to say sorry for everything, we r still best friend, please forgive me.” No response from other side, what the hell?? He is still preserving his ego, I am saying sorry… even then!!! I really don’t care for such people. But one sec…. it seems he is not able to see me!!!! He did not see my extended hand. My goodness… AM I REALLY DEAD???

I just sat down near ME; I was also feeling like crying… “OHH ALMIGHTY!!!! PLEASE JUST GIVE ME FEW MORE DAYS…” I just wasn’t to make my wife, my parents; my friends realize that how much I love them. My wife entered in the room, she looks beautiful. “YOU R BEAUTIFUL” I shouted. She didn’t hear my words, in fact she never heard these words coz I never said this to her.

“GOD!!!!” I screamed… a little more time plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz॥ I cried… One more chance please… to hug my child, to make my mom smile just once, to feel my dad proud on me at least for a moment, to say sorry to my friends for everything I have not given to them, and thanks for still being in my life…।

Then I looked up and cried!!!! I shouted…. “GOD!!!! ONE MORE CHANCE PLEASE!!!!” "You shouted in your sleep," said my wife as she gently woke me up. "Did you have a nightmare?"

I WAS SLEEPING…. OHH THAT WAS JUST A DREAM…. My wife was there… she can hear me… This is the happiest moment of my life… I hugged her and whispered…. “U R THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND CARING WIFE IN THIS UNIVERSE…. I REALLY LOVE U DEAR” I can’t understand the reason of the smile on her face with some tears in her eyes, still I m happy…. :)


So, Now it’s not late॥ Forget your egos, past……….., and express your love to others………। Be friendly…………… keep smiling and be happy for ever…

Story forwarded by






Friday, April 10, 2009

रोंक सकता नहीं तुम्हें ज़माना,
ज़माने की बातों में तुम न आना।
होगा पूरा हर सपना, वो अपना,
अगर जो तुमने दिल में ठाना।

सतीश कौशिक

जब भी कभी मैं पीछे मुड कर देखता हूं तो पाता हूं कि मेरे अंदर बदलाव बहुत आया है। जब मैं फिल्मी दुनिया में आया तो यहां मेरा अपना कोई नहीं था। मुझे अपनी बात लोगों तक पहुंचाने और अपने को साबित करने में समय लगा। उस समय नादिरा बब्बर, जावेद अख्तर, बोनी कपूर, शेखर कपूर, अनिल कपूर जैसे लोग न मिलते तो मैं अपनी बात कैसे किसी के आगे रख पाता? मैंने जब 1980 में फिल्मी दुनिया में कदम रखा तो रास्ता आसान नहीं था। अब मेरे अंदर इतना आत्मविश्वास है कि मैं अपनी बात किसी से मनवा सकूं। यह पहले संभव नहीं था। कोई कुछ सुनने को तैयार ही नहीं होता था। यह स्थिति बनने में कई साल लगे। अगर आपमें प्रतिभा है और खुद को साबित करना चाहते हैं तो मौका जरूर मिलेगा। ऐसा ही मेरे साथ हुआ। मैं एक साधारण व्यक्ति से कामयाब और मजबूत व्यक्तित्व बन सका। इससे ये समझ में आया कि व्यक्ति को हमेशा अपने आपको सिद्ध करते रहना चाहिए। मनुष्य हमेशा नई-नई चीजें सीखता रहता है। इसकी कोई समय सीमा नहीं है। बदलाव की वजह कुछ भी हो सकती है, पर एक बात हमेशा ध्यान में रखनी होगी। वह यह कि किसी के भी व्यक्तित्व को आप ओढ नहीं सकते। आपको अपनी जगह खुद बनानी पडती है। किसी से प्रेरणा भले ही लें, पर वैसे ही बनें यह जरूरी नहीं है।

हर व्यक्ति का अलग-अलग व्यक्तित्व होता है और उसके लिए वही उपयुक्त होता है। अगर व्यक्ति सीधा-सादा और सरल है तो उसे बेवकूफ न समझें। असल में वही उसकी शख्सीयत है। यह फैसला आपको खुद करना होता है कि आप कैसा व्यक्तित्व अपनाएं। जीवन में आपका अपना तजुर्बा ही सही दिशा में ले जाता है। जब मैं लोगों से मिलता हूं तो उनके अच्छे गुणों को समझने की कोशिश करता हूं। मैं राजश्री प्रोडक्शन की फिल्म बनाने के लिए सूरज बडजात्या या राजकुमार बडजात्या से बात करता हूं। उनकी कहानी सुनता हूं, तो कहीं न कहीं मैं उनके अच्छे विचारों से सहमत होता हूं। इस मामले में मैं जावेद अख्तर से काफी प्रभावित हूं। अपनी बात कहने का उनका ढंग बिलकुल अलग है। मेरे जीवन में बदलाव सही मायने में तब आया जब मैं नेशनल स्कूल ऑफ ड्रामा में था। उन्हीं दिनों मैंने चार्ली चैप्लिन की जीवनी पढी। उसे पढकर मेरे अंदर बहुत बदलाव आया। इसके पहले मैं विज्ञान का छात्र था। वहां मैंने कई बडे लेखकों की किताबें पढीं और अनुभव प्राप्त किए।

इसके साथ-साथ सन् 2006 में ब्रुकलिन पर आधारित एक अंग्रेजी फिल्म में काम करने का अवसर मिला। असल में यही मेरे जीवन का टर्निग पॉइंट था। इसके लिए मैं तीन महीने तक अमेरिका में रहा। वहां उस फिल्म की शूटिंग, रिहर्सल, डायलॉग याद करना मेरे लिए काफी मुश्किल था। पर मैंने यह सब किया और वह सफल रहा। मैंने अपने जीवन में कभी नकारात्मक सोच नहीं रखी। किसी भी रचनात्मक क्षेत्र में हमेशा सकारात्मक सोच ही रखनी पडती है। अगर मेरी सोच नकारात्मक होती तो शायद मैं इस मुकाम तक पहुंच नहीं पाता।

~Source: Dainik Jagaran~




