A Great Scientist – Albert Einstein
If somewhere you feel you are WEAK, you must be somewhere STRONG. Find out and value your talent.
A GreAlbert Einstein’s age, when he still wasn’t talking, Even when he finally did, he uttered his words twice. When he started school, he still had speech difficulty until the age of nine. Born in a German city called Ulm, his mother believed Einstein was a freak because his head seemed to be too big for his body. Her worry had some basis because Einstein actually suffered from a medical condition called “Benign Macrocephaly”, a disorder that could lead to mental retardation.
One of the most recognized and well-known scientists of the century, he was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on photoelectric effect titled: “On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light”. Upon his death, his brain was preserved and studied.
A 1999 study done by Mcmaster University found that his brain did not have it’s parietal operculum region, a part of the brain needed for speech, reading or writing। To compensate for that, his brain adapted by enlarging his parietal lobe by 15% wider। This part of the brain is responsible in giving him superior mathematical thought, visuospatial cognition, and imagery of movement. The study also found that Einstein’s brain had 73% more glial cells ( special cells that provide support and nutrition to the brain) than normal brains.
U can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
Mark Twain quote
Great thought keep it up..
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