Monday, September 29, 2008

Anger, sadness, happiness, excitements and all the emotions are just the virtual action and reactions inside the mind against the circumstances occur in our life. Never be worried to have these feelings, just let them come out, these are the features of living beings to balance the life and make it colorful.
A story from Buddha's life
Once Buddha was walking from one town to another town with a few of his followers. This was in the initial days. While they were travelling, they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there and Buddha told one of his disciples, "I am thirsty. Do get me some water from that lake there."
The disciple walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water, and right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy, very turbid. The disciple thought, "How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink!" So he came back and told Buddha, "The water in there is very muddy. I don't think it is fit to drink." After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time he found that the lake had absolutely clear water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above it looked fit to be consumed. So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to Buddha. Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said:

"See what you did to make the water clean. You let it be…. and the mud settled down on its own – and you got clear water. Your mind is also like that! When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don't have to put in any effort to calm it down. It will happen. It is effortless."

What did Buddha emphasize here?
He said, "It is effortless." Having 'Peace of Mind' is not a strenuous job; it is an effortless process! When there is peace inside you, that peace permeates to the outside. It spreads around you and in the environment, such that people around start feeling that peace and grace.
Also remember that you could be in very peaceful surroundings, where everything is wonderfully beautiful, but if your inside is disturbed, then that beauty is of no use to you. It does not mean anything to you. For you to be peaceful, peace has to be generated from deep within you - from your being to the mind, and from the mind to the environment
~A forward from Pranjali

Monday, September 22, 2008

“Just a solid reason is required to succeed, the reason that could keep generating interest and maximum passion to be determined towards achieving goals in any cost and condition.”

A story

He was a young boy who lived with his elderly Mother. His mother wanted him to learn how to play the piano because she longed to hear her son play for her. She sent her son to a piano teacher who Took Robby in under her guidance. However, there was one small problem Because Robby was not musically inclined and therefore was very slow in Learning. The teacher did not have much faith in the boy because of his Weakness. The mother was very enthusiastic and every week she would send Robby to the teacher. One day Robby stopped attending the piano lessons. The teacher thought that He had given up and in fact she was quite pleased since she did not give much hope to Robby. Not long after, the piano teacher was given the task to organize a piano concert in town. She sent out circulars to invite the Students and public to attend the event. Suddenly, she received a call from Robby who offered to take part in the concert. The teacher told Robby that He was not good enough and that he was no longer a student since he had stopped coming for lessons. Robby begged her to give him a chance and Promised that he would not let her down. Finally, she gave in and she put him to play last, hoping that he will Change his mind at the last minute. When the big day came, the hall was packed and the children gave their best performance. Finally, it was Robby's Turn to play and as his name was announced, he walked in. He was not in Proper attire and his hair was not properly groomed. The teacher was really nervous since Robby's performance could spoil the whole evening's brilliant Performance. As Robby started playing the crowd became silent and was amazed At the skill of this little boy. In fact, he gave the best performance of the evening. At the end of his presentation the crowd and the piano teacher gave him a standing ovation. The crowd asked Robby how he managed to play so brilliantly. With a microphone in front of him, he said, "I was not able to attend the weekly piano lessons as there was no one to send me because my Mother was sick with cancer. She just passed away this morning and I wanted her to hear me play. You see, this is the first time she is able to hear me Play because when she was alive she was deaf and now I know she is listening To me. I have to play my best for her!"
This is indeed a touching story of love and excellence. When you have aPassion and a reason to do something, you will surely excel. You may not be Talented or gifted but if you have a strong enough reason to do something, you will be able to tap into your inner God given potential.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

“Problems, tension and mistakes are just the part of life…and it IS the life. It would always be there, so 'No apology, No regrets' just live the best as every moment is the last moment of your life”

Everything happens for a reason,
Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be, your neighbor, your coworker, a long lost friend, or a complete stranger. When you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.

Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your eyes to things.
Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you.
You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.
-Author Unknown

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

LHC is not harmful for earth or solar system …but the collision inside the machine may be dangerous for LHC machine itself…..